If this article caught your attention, it probably means you are ready to admit to yourself that that extra weight you've been carrying around is starting to bother you. That's great! If you feel that way, this is the perfect time to finally go ahead and do something about it. Before you start getting all depressed about going on impossible diets and painful exercise routines, let me tell you: it's not as hard as you may think. The only real obligation you'll have is to commit to a new start, a new lifestyle with healthier habits.
Don't believe anyone that tries to convince you that you can lose weight and gain muscle with any kind fast methods or miracle pills. That's a complete lie and even a danger to your physical integrity. This is a gradual process of reeducating yourself and your body, by eating right and increasing activity. The basic formula for losing weight is actually pretty simple: Eat less, burn more fat.
This doesn't mean you have to starve yourself. If your body goes into starvation mode, it will preserve the fat -its emergency storage, and eat away the muscle. You'll need a solid nutrition and exercise plan and a strong focus on your goals. You can rely on your personal physician to help you with this or can you can also investigate on your own. The important thing is that you make the decision to go forward and to stick with it. If you have a moment of weakness, don't worry too much about it, just go back on track.
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Here are 10 reasons why you should consider changing your life for the better, losing weight and gaining a thinner, more muscular body:
Health - losing body fat will decrease the risk of developing heart disease, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, joint problems, diabetes and many more problems. Your body is your vessel in this world and if you keep in good working condition, you'll have less limitations and more life to enjoy;
Energy - Lighter meals and exercise will give you so much more energy and agility that you won't even recognize yourself on your daily routine. Everything will get done more easily with time to spare;
Good mood - besides improving your physical fitness, exercising decreases the stress hormones and increases the release of endorphins in the brain - the natural anti-depressants produced by the body ;
Organized life - planning meals and times to work out, will also permit you to get your life more organized. If it helps, you can also keep a diary of your activities so that you can analyze your progress every week ;
Focus - Maintaining focus on your goals and new habits is essential to succeed - in this plan and in other areas of your life;
Personal appearance - You won't dread looking in the mirror anymore. You know you'll begin to see the results of your hard work in no time;
The opposite sex - Yes, your personality will always be more important than your looks, but you'll definitely get more attention from the ladies with your new and improved self;
Self Esteem - Once you realize that, in spite all your doubts, you are achieving results, you will improve the way you see yourself;
Pride - You'll be proud of your achievements and your self confidence will rise ;
Admiration and respect - People will acknowledge your efforts and respect you more. Some of them will even ask you for advice on how to do the same.
Are you inspired yet? Go ahead, put it on paper and sign it. Hang it on the wall and read it as many times has you need. Visualize the new you. Imagine yourself doing things you can't do right now, because you're overweight. Go for it and don't look back.
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